Key considerations
You can find further details below regarding:
Flooding and Drainage

Transport ​
The proposed site is two miles from junction 23 of the M1. It is in a sustainable location with good pedestrian and cycle links to local facilities and services as well as bus services providing regular links to surrounding areas.
The main access to the site would be via a new roundabout on Tickow Lane.
There would be a new spine road through the site which would link with new development to the north of the site and back onto Tickow Lane. This route would enable part of Tickow Lane to be used by pedestrians and cyclists only.
An independent Transport Assessment has been undertaken to consider the potential transport and highways impact of this and other nearby proposals and to identify whether any measures are necessary to address these. The Assessment has been submitted with the planning application.
Flooding and drainage
A proportion of the western part of the site has been identified as being within Flood Zone 2 and 3. We have, therefore, designed the proposal so that the development would not be affected by the 1 in 100-year floodplain.
We have also included Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems within the design of the development to ensure the development does not increase the risk of flooding.
An independent Flood Risk Assessment and Sustainable Drainage Statement has been prepared which demonstrates that the proposed development is acceptable in terms of flood risk, and that it would not increase the flood risk in the wider area, subject to the implementation of the recommended flood mitigation strategies which are included in the proposal. The Assessment has been submitted with the planning application.
The western boundary of the site along the Black Brook corridor has been identified as having high ecological value including ancient woodland and local wildlife sites.
We have developed a green infrastructure strategy including a biodiversity buffer zone which has been agreed with Charnwood Borough Council.The buffer zone will be ecologically enhanced and public access limited in certain areas, ensuring that the Black Brook corridor is not negatively affected by the proposed development.